Friday 28 December 2012

Alternative Energy Sources around The World

 In this website we aim to provide information about alternative energy sources around the world, and specifically  to students of a high school level.
 Everyone knows the effect that greenhouse gas production and global warming is having on our earth. We feel that it is vitally important for individuals, and especially governments, to start taking these problems seriously; before it is too late. Even though technology has greatly advanced in the last decade most countries around the world still use fossil fuel-based methods of energy production. The use of these fuels has two major problems; it depletes the natural supply and eventually we will run out; and the burning of the fuel (i.e. coal) creates vast pollution in the form of greenhouse gases (GHG's such as carbon monoxide and dioxide, and sulphur dioxide). It is these gases which lead to global warming and slowly destroy our planet. Only through the use of alternative sources of energy (which are virtually non-polluting) can we slow down this destruction and save our planet.

1.Solar Power
 Solar power is a viable alternative to fossil fuels and some alternative energy sources, as it gives off no carbon dioxide waste and uses the natural energy from our sun to generate electricity. After the lifetime of the panel, the materials that were used to make it could be recycled as no material is used in the energy generating process. There is also a lot of room for solar power to be used in the development of 3rd world economies, as it is extremely cost effective in the long run.

 Solar panels have always been thought to be very expensive as it used to be made only from the purest silicon. Solar power has in many ways been eliminated as a viable option as a result of its high manufacturing costs. But a recent breakthrough in the hunt to find an alternative to silicon has dramatically decreased the price of solar power, and also increased it’s effectiveness. This achievement came from South Africa’s own Professor Vivian Alberts from the Johannesburg University and his team of physicists, who have formulated a new procedure of making solar panels using copper-indium-gallium-diselenide (CIGS).
 The production of CIGS solar panels is very complex and any slight deviation from the purest, high-quality elements can result in an ineffective solar cell.
1. Three metals: copper (Cu), gallium (Ga), and indium (In), have to be formed in an extremely pure alloy.
2. Next, the alloy that was formed needs to be converted into an equally pure semiconductor. This is done by adding selenium (Se)into the alloy. This creates a completely new crystal structure forming the CIGS layer of the cell.
3. Then a buffer layer of other semi-conductors are laid carefully on the CIGS layer.
4. The cell is then finished off by attaching conductive electrical contacts (usually molybdenum) on either side

 Solar power is one of the most renewable ways of energy production. The sun as the energy source is, at least in the foreseeable future, endless and will keep providing us with power. There is no way for us to use up the sun and we don't even have to replenish it. Therefore solar power is definitely a renewable means of energy production.

 The use of CIGS in the productions of solar panels as an alternative to silicon, gas been undergoing research since 1974, but scientists struggled to find reliable, repeatable, commercially affordable processes to produce this type of solar panel. Professor Alberts revolutionised this industry in inventing an entirely new procedure based on the way that the atoms behave from the beginning to the end of the process. His procedure is going to be implemented in the first full-scale CGIS production plant that uses this procedure, currently being built in Germany by IFE Solar Systems a company that has invested R500-million in this South African invention.

· The sun's energy is free to use, which makes the process cheaper.
· The process is completely non-polluting.
· Can be used in a wide variety of locations the world over. Wherever there is sun.
· Cost of the panels and equipment is expensive. This will, however, become cheaper in time.
· Can only work when the sun is available; therefore weather dependant.

2.Wind Power
 Wind power is when we covert the power of the wind, physical energy, to more useful types of energy. The most common type of energy it is converted to is electricity.
A wind farm is a large area of land on which there are a number of wind turbines generating electricity, as a power plant does. When creating a wind farm one must make sure that the spacing between the turbine is sufficient as not to cause energy/wind loss.
 The most common type of energy generated from wind is electrical energy. This is by making the use of an electrical generator which is turned by turbine blades which are turned by the wind and thereby turning the turbine, creating electricity.

 Yes, as we find wind throughout the world and the minimum wind speed needed is from 16km/h upwards. The wind needs to have a constant speed, should be non-turbulent and must not be subject to strong bursts of air. The wind also blows faster the higher into the atmosphere you go. That is why most wind farms are found quite high up.
You get three types of wind farms:
  • On Shore
  • Near Shore
  • Off Shore
On Shore
 If a wind farm is about three kilometres away from the nearest shoreline it is regarded as an on shore wind farm. They are normally installed in the mountainous areas as the higher you go the faster the wind blows. The cliffs and mountains also contribute to speeding up the wind. Before setting up a wind farm much research has to be done because the smallest diffenrence of placement could even double the turbines' output.

Near Shore
 If a wind farm lies on land within three kilometres to the nearest shore line or lying on the water within ten kilometres from the shore it is considered a near shore wind farm. Sea shores tend to be very windy as the land and sea heat up and cool down at different rates, creating strong winds. The wind from the sea is also more dense and therefore carries more energy than the same speed wind in mountainous terrain.
Off Shore
 If a wind farm is more than ten kilometres into the sea form a shore then it is considered to be off-shore. Off-shore turbines are found in deep sea waters and are usually much larger than their land-based siblings. The wind over the open sea is considerably faster and stronger than that of land because they have no obstacles in their way such as trees and buildings to affect the wind speed. Their distance from land allows companies to create larger ones and they do not need to worry about any noise factors as they are a considerable distance from the shore. The off-shore wind farms are the most expensive to build as they need to be set in the open ocean where they are subjected to all the earths's elements, therefore raising the maintence cost of off shore wind farms. The cost involved in transferring the electricity from the turbine to the land could be large as there is a large distance to be covered. Off shore wind farms are much larger than the on shore counterparts as there is much more space in the open sea as opposed to land and there are no worries of people complaining about them in the sea.
 This is a new concept with no product available as yet but there are companies busy developing an airborne wind turbine which is suspended high in the atmosphere thereby obtaining the fastest and strongest winds available.
  • Wind is free and in abundance and we have the technology to capture the power of wind efficiently
  • The costs for wind turbines are only initial costs; once the turbine is built there are minimal maitenence costs which are involved.
  • In the rural areas which are not connected to a country's power grid it can be used to generate its own power.
  • The space which a wind turbine takes up on land is very small as the moving parts are quite a distance above the ground.
  • Wind turbines produce energy with minimal damage to the worlds environment and produces "clean power".
  • Some pollutants are given off into the atmosphere in the creation of a wind turbine.
  • Wind turbines can be quite noisy.
  • The wind speed is not constant and therefore there will not always be a definite supply of electricity form a wind turbine.
  • Large numbers of wind turbines are needed to power towns, as the largest turbine is able to produce electricity to sustain only +/- 500 homes.
  • Many people feel that wind turbines are unsightly and that they should not disrupt the natural beauty of landscapes.
3.Nuclear Power
 Nuclear power is an alternative power source that uses the nuclear fission of uranium to create heat and, thereby, through a heat transfer mechanism and turbines, create electricity.

 For a nuclear reactor to create energy it is necessary for nuclear fission to take place. This occurs when an atom is split into smaller particles and an enormous amount of energy is released in the process. Uranium is used as the fuel for the reaction as it is radioactive, and is therefore unstable enough to be broken down into smaller parts. The uranium atom absorbs a neutron and splits into two equal parts and energy is created. This kinetic energy becomes heat energy as the particles slow down, and it is this heat energy, which is used to produce electricity. The heat is moved through a transfer medium, such as water, and is used to turn water into steam. This steam turns a turbine, which is connected to a generator. As the turbine turns the generator it creates electricity, which is then transferred to the consumers.

 Nuclear power is renewable as it doesn't use fossil fuels or other non-renewable resources in the production of energy; however it isn't as renewable as some of the alternatives, such as wind or solar power, which rely solely on natural phenomena to create their power. In the short term it is unlikely that uranium will run out, but eventually it will. Therefore we can say that nuclear power is only renewable in the short term.
 About 440 nuclear reactors are used around the world to produce about 17% of the world's electricity but in theory nuclear fission can be used for much more. At the end of the Second World War the Allies secured victory by dropping the atomic bomb on Japan. The bomb uses the same principles of splitting the atom as the nuclear reactors do in creating electricity. On a smaller, less destructive scale, the theories of nuclear fission are used daily in medicine. Scanning devices and the treatment of cancer both use the radiation from splitting an atom.
  • As an alternative to normal coal-based electricity production nuclear power is favourable as it is much more efficient than coal (250g of uranium produces 20000 times more electricity than 250g of coal) and is far less polluting, especially to our atmosphere, as no harmful greenhouse gases are emitted. (ie. carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxide etc.).
  • It is generally a reliable process that can be counted on to produce electricity for many years (average availability over three years is about 80%).
  • The amount of waste produced each year would cover only your dining room table!
  • The waste is stored in fire-, water-, and earthquake-proof capsules to ensure safety.
  • There is pollution in the form of radioactive waste but with new technologies the process is becoming cleaner and safer each year.
  • The possibility of radiation leakage or plant meltdown. This is possible in theory and has happened in the past (Chernobyl in Russia) but nowadays there are procedures in place to ensure safety.
  • There are problems and dangers, which could lead to accidents. The power stations are all manually run and human error could lead to possible accidents.
  • The reactors also have a very expensive capital outlay in the beginning, although the costs are cheaper in the long run.
  • The plants do require downtime for maintenance.
4.Hydro Power
 Hydro power is the process of changing the kinetic energy of flowing water in a river into electrical power that we can use.
 A dam is built where there is a natural lake or a big river in a valley. The dam is used to hold the water and create pressure so that the water can produce more electrical power. There is gravitational potential energy stored in the water and this energy is used to turn generators and create electricity. These turbines are within tunnels in the dam wall. Electrical generators are turned by these massive turbines and create electricity. Water flows through these tunnels with great pressure and is used to turn these turbines. The water has immense pressure due to the great height at which is kept in the dam. If there is a greater volume of water or there is a very large difference between the water level and where it flows out than you can get more power out of the water as it has greater potential energy. This difference in height of the water is called the head. The generator contains 2 main parts: the rotor and the stator. The rotator is the part which rotates and the wire has a huge magnet inside of it; and the stator is the part which is covered in copper. The electrical current is created when the rotor spins around the copper wire on the stator. This is the charge which is then used as electricity.

 It is renewable because the process takes nothing away from the environment and therefore nothing needs to be replenished. The water stays in the water cycle and can keep producing energy endlessly.

 Hydro power is also utilised by large scale companies as a private use. Many large mining companies or aluminium manufacturers use vast amounts of electrical so rather than buying from the state they can generate their own power by using hydro power generation.
  • No pollution or waste produced
  • Renewable energy source
  • Very reliable energy source
  • Not expensive to maintain once the dam has been built
  • Can increase the plants production or decrease it whenever there is high or low demand
  • Water can be stored, waiting to be used in peak times
  • Building the dam is expensive and time taking
  • The dam will change the habitat and landscape upstream, as much more land will be submersed
  • The land below the dam is also affected as the flow of water is reduced
  • Silt can build up in the dam as the water slows down it does not have enough energy to carry the sand and silt which it was
5.Tidal Power
WHAT IS TIDAL POWER? Tidal Power is the generation of electrical power through the harnessing of the ebb and flow of the tides.
A barrage, which is in fact a huge dam, is built across a river estuary or bay. This barrage has gates in it which allow the water to flow into the barrage with the incoming tide. These gates are then closed when the tide begins to go back out. This water which is now trapped inside the barrage is now called a ‘hydrostatic head’. The greater the head the more power can be generated from the outflowing water. There are other gates within the barrage which are now opened; these gates contain hydro-electric generators, very similar to the ones used in Hydropower. These generators are now turned by the outflowing water and power is generated.

The tidal range has to be sufficient in order for this to be a practical means to generate power. This range should be in excess of 5 metres otherwise the power generated is not sufficient.
The main downfall of tidal power generation is the capital needed at the beginning of the project to construct the barrages and the effect on the environment by the change in the water levels. But once the barrages have been built there is a very low maintenance cost. The generators only need changing once every 30 or so years and there is very little work needed to be done.
 Yes, the tides will continue to ebb and flow, thus there will always be power being generated. The water is not used up, it stays in the water cycle, and can therefore be used over and over again without the need for replenishment.

 Small-scale tidal mills were used in the Middle Ages for grinding corn. The barrages which are built can be used as a means to cross the estuary with much greater ease. The main application of tidal power is as an additional means of generating renewable, sustainable energy which does not affect the environment in a negative way.

· It is very cheap to maintain
· There is no waste or pollution
· Very reliable
· We can predict when tides will be in or out
· The barrage can help to reduce the damage of very high tidal surges or storms on   the land

· It changes the coastline completely and the estuaries are flooded so any mud flats   or habitats that birds or animals live on are destroyed
· Initial building cost is very expensive
· Water is not replenished, it cannot flow away so any dirt or pollution lingers around   the coast much longer
· Silt builds up behind the barrage
· Disrupts creatures’ migration in the oceans
· Needs a very big piece of sea to be cost effective
· Not many sites suitable for this kind of power generation; building the barrage
· Only produces power for about 10 hours of the day
6. Biomass
 In the developed world biomass is becoming more important for dual applications such as heat and power generation.
 Biomass is a clean renewable energy resource derived from the waste of various human and natural activities. It excludes organic material which has been transformed by geological processes into substances such as coal or petroleum.
 The energy of biomass is extracted from three distinct sources:
  • Wood
  • Waste
  • Alcohol fuels
  • Crops
  • Landfill gases

 Wood is the largest energy source of biomass: contributors include the timber industry, agricultural crops and raw materials from the forest.
 Waste energy is the second largest source of biomass energy. The main contributors are: municipal solid waste and manufacturing waste.
 Alcohol fuels is the third largest contributor and is derived mainly from corn.
Any source can be used to fuel biomass energy production. We can use rubbish, animal manure, woodchips, seaweed, corn stalks and other wastes. Biomass is matter usually thought of as garbage. Some of the sources are just lying around: dead trees, left-over crops, woodchips, sawdust from lumber mills, even used tires and livestock manure will do.
 In California, USA, more than 60 million tons of energy sources for biomass energy are collected each year. If all these sources were used to create biomass energy, California could make up to 2000 megawatts of electricity. That is enough to make electricity for about 2 million homes.
 The harnessing of energy from biological mass (biomass) is a simple process. The waste wood and other sources are gathered in big trucks. The waste is then transported to a biomass plant. Here, the waste is fed into furnaces where it is burned. The heat created is used to boil water and the energy from the steam is used to rotate turbines and generators.
 The second method, through which energy is created, is called Landfill Gas. When garbage is burned or is allowed to decompose it gives off methane gas. Pipelines are put into the landfills (pits in which garbage is burned) and the methane gas is collected. It is then used to make energy in power plants.

 The use of biomass can help reduce Global Warming. Plants use and store carbon dioxide (CO2) when they grow. When it burns or decomposes, it releases the CO2. Replanting plants, crops or trees etc. ensures that the C02 is reused. If the plants are not replanted the biomass will disrupt the natural carbon equilibrium and thus continue to contribute towards Global Warming.

 Biomass is renewable; we are going to carry on making waste products, plants and trees are going to die and the cycle will continue. This ensures that the sources contributing to biomass are always available.
The use of biomass can be environmentally friendly because the biological mass is reduced, recycled and then re-used.
 Innovations and ideas in which biomass can be used are continually being invented. One such way is the production of ethanol, a liquid alcohol fuel. Ethanol can be used in special types of cars that have been manufactured to accept alcohol fuels instead of petrol. This innovation helps reduce our dependence on oil.
 Biomass energy provides an alternative source of energy. In rural India biomass is used for cooking and agricultural growth. It has been very useful for village households that own cattle. Through a simple process the cattle dung is used to produce a gas which is then used as fuel for cooking. The surplus dung is used as manure.
 The use of sugarcane to produce electricity is increasingly being used in Indian sugar mills: this is being done to clean the environment, cut down power costs and earn additional revenue. After the juice has been extracted from the sugarcanes, the leftover pulp - bagasse - is sold to power plants. Here, the bagasse is burned. The energy produced is then provided to the sugar mills.
 Biomass power plants are becoming very popular. Using resources that are easily available makes the production of energy efficient and reliable.
  • Biomass can be used for fuels, power production and products that would otherwise be made from fossil fuels.
  • It does not add CO2 to the atmosphere as it absorbs the same amount of carbon in growing as it releases when consumed with fuel.
  • It can be used to generate electricity with the same equipment or power plants that are now burning fossil fuels.
  • It is sensible to use waste products where we can.
  • Biomass fuel generally tends to be cheap.
  • Using biomass sources places less demand on the Earth's resources.
  • The use of biomass energy has the potential to greatly reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
  • The use of biomass can reduce dependence on foreign oil.
  • Collecting sufficient quantities of waste can be difficult.
  • Burning the fuel creates greenhouse gases, although only a very little.
  • Certain materials aren't always available.

Ruler can do anything, so Born to rule the Galaxy

Thursday 14 June 2012

The Shoulders Steve Jobs Stood On

Dennis Ritchie (standing) and Ken Thompson at a PDP-11 in 1972. (Photo: Courtesy of Bell Labs)
The tributes to Dennis Ritchie won’t match the river of praise that spilled out over the web after the death of Steve Jobs. But they should.
And then some.
“When Steve Jobs died last week, there was a huge outcry, and that was very moving and justified. But Dennis had a bigger effect, and the public doesn’t even know who he is,” says Rob Pike, the programming legend and current Googler who spent 20 years working across the hall from Ritchie at the famed Bell Labs.
On Wednesday evening, with a post to Google+, Pike announced that Ritchie had died at his home in New Jersey over the weekend after a long illness, and though the response from hardcore techies was immense, the collective eulogy from the web at large doesn’t quite do justice to Ritchie’s sweeping influence on the modern world. Dennis Ritchie is the father of the C programming language, and with fellow Bell Labs researcher Ken Thompson, he used C to build UNIX, the operating system that so much of the world is built on — including the Apple empire overseen by Steve Jobs.
“Pretty much everything on the web uses those two things: C and UNIX,” Pike tells Wired. “The browsers are written in C. The UNIX kernel — that pretty much the entire Internet runs on — is written in C. Web servers are written in C, and if they’re not, they’re written in Java or C++, which are C derivatives, or Python or Ruby, which are implemented in C. And all of the network hardware running these programs I can almost guarantee were written in C.
“It’s really hard to overstate how much of the modern information economy is built on the work Dennis did.”
Even Windows was once written in C, he adds, and UNIX underpins both Mac OS X, Apple’s desktop operating system, and iOS, which runs the iPhone and the iPad. “Jobs was the king of the visible, and Ritchie is the king of what is largely invisible,” says Martin Rinard, professor of electrical engineering and computer science at MIT and a member of the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory.
“Jobs’ genius is that he builds these products that people really like to use because he has taste and can build things that people really find compelling. Ritchie built things that technologists were able to use to build core infrastructure that people don’t necessarily see much anymore, but they use everyday.”
From B to C
Dennis Ritchie built C because he and Ken Thompson needed a better way to build UNIX. The original UNIX kernel was written in assembly language, but they soon decided they needed a “higher level” language, something that would give them more control over all the data that spanned the OS. Around 1970, they tried building a second version with Fortran, but this didn’t quite cut it, and Ritchie proposed a new language based on a Thompson creation known as B.
Depending on which legend you believe, B was named either for Thompson’s wife Bonnie or BCPL, a language developed at Cambridge in the mid-60s. Whatever the case, B begat C.
B was an interpreted language — meaning it was executed by an intermediate piece of software running atop a CPU — but C was a compiled language. It was translated into machine code, and then directly executed on the CPU. But in those days, C was considered a high-level language. It would give Ritchie and Thompson the flexibility they needed, but at the same time, it would be fast.
That first version of the language wasn’t all that different from C as we know it today — though it was a tad simpler. It offered full data structures and “types” for defining variables, and this is what Richie and Thompson used to build their new UNIX kernel. “They built C to write a program,” says Pike, who would join Bell Labs 10 years later. “And the program they wanted to write was the UNIX kernel.”
Ritchie’s running joke was that C had “the power of assembly language and the convenience of … assembly language.” In other words, he acknowledged that C was a less-than-gorgeous creation that still ran very close to the hardware. Today, it’s considered a low-level language, not high. But Ritchie’s joke didn’t quite do justice to the new language. In offering true data structures, it operated at a level that was just high enough.
“When you’re writing a large program — and that’s what UNIX was — you have to manage the interactions between all sorts of different components: all the users, the file system, the disks, the program execution, and in order to manage that effectively, you need to have a good representation of the information you’re working with. That’s what we call data structures,” Pike says.
“To write a kernel without a data structure and have it be as consist and graceful as UNIX would have been a much, much harder challenge. They needed a way to group all that data together, and they didn’t have that with Fortran.”
At the time, it was an unusual way to write an operating system, and this is what allowed Ritchie and Thompson to eventually imagine porting the OS to other platforms, which they did in the late 70s. “That opened the floodgates for UNIX running everywhere,” Pike says. “It was all made possible by C.”
Apple, Microsoft, and Beyond
At the same time, C forged its own way in the world, moving from Bell Labs to the world’s universities and to Microsoft, the breakout software company of the 1980s. “The development of the C programming language was a huge step forward and was the right middle ground … C struck exactly the right balance, to let you write at a high level and be much more productive, but when you needed to, you could control exactly what happened,” says Bill Dally, chief scientist of NVIDIA and Bell Professor of Engineering at Stanford. “[It] set the tone for the way that programming was done for several decades.”
As Pike points out, the data structures that Richie built into C eventually gave rise to the object-oriented paradigm used by modern languages such as C++ and Java.
The revolution began in 1973, when Ritchie published his research paper on the language, and five years later, he and colleague Brian Kernighan released the definitive C book: The C Programming Language. Kernighan had written the early tutorials for the language, and at some point, he “twisted Dennis’ arm” into writing a book with him.
Pike read the book while still an undergraduate at the University of Toronto, picking it up one afternoon while heading home for a sick day. “That reference manual is a model of clarity and readability compared to latter manuals. It is justifiably a classic,” he says. “I read it while sick in bed, and it made me forget that I was sick.”
Like many university students, Pike had already started using the language. It had spread across college campuses because Bell Labs started giving away the UNIX source code. Among so many other things, the operating system gave rise to the modern open source movement. Pike isn’t overstating it when says the influence of Ritchie’s work can’t be overstated, and though Ritchie received the Turing Award in 1983 and the National Medal of Technology in 1998, he still hasn’t gotten his due.
As Kernighan and Pike describe him, Ritchie was an unusually private person. “I worked across the hall from him for more than 20 years, and yet I feel like a don’t knew him all that well,” Pike says. But this doesn’t quite explain his low profile. Steve Jobs was a private person, but his insistence on privacy only fueled the cult of personality that surrounded him.
Ritchie lived in a very different time and worked in a very different environment than someone like Jobs. It only makes sense that he wouldn’t get his due. But those who matter understand the mark he left. “There’s that line from Newton about standing on the shoulders of giants,” says Kernighan. “We’re all standing on Dennis’ shoulders.”

Ruler can do anything, so Born to rule the Galaxy

Thursday 17 May 2012

இயற்கை உரங்களுக்கு முக்கியத்துவம்...ரசாயன உர மானியத்தை குறைக்க திட்டம்

   மத்திய அரசு, இயற்கை உரங்களுக்கு முக்கியத்துவம் அளிக்க முடிவு செய்துள்ளது. அதேசமயம், ரசாயன உரத்திற்கான மானியத்தை குறைக்க திட்டமிட்டுள்ளதாக, மத்திய வேளாண் அமைச்சர் சரத்பவார், பார்லிமென்டில் தெரிவித்தார்.இதுகுறித்து அவர் மேலும் கூறியதாவது:ரசாயன உரங்களை தொடர்ந்து பயன்படுத்துவதால், மண் வளம் குறைந்து போவதுடன், வேளாண் உற்பத்தியும் குறையத் துவங்கியுள்ளது. எனவே, ரசாயன உரத்திற்கு அளிக்கப்படும் மானியத்தை குறைக்கவும், அதேசமயம் இயற்கை ரசாயன உர உற்பத்தியை மேம்படுத்துவதற்கான, நடவடிக்கை மேற்கொள்ளவும் திட்டமிடப்பட்டுள்ளது.நாட்டின் முதல் பசுமை புரட்சியின் போது, ரசாயன உர பயன்பாட்டால், வேளாண் உற்பத்தி, 50 சதவீதத்திற்கும் அதிகமாக உயர்ந்தது. ஆனால், ரசாயன உரங்களை தொடர்ந்து பயன்படுத்துவதால், மண் வளம் மிகவும் பாதிக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது.குறிப்பாக, பஞ்சாப், ஹரியானா, உத்தர பிரதேசத்தின் மேற்கு பகுதிகளில் அதிகளவு ரசாயன உரங்கள் பயன்படுத்தப்பட்டதால், தற்போது, அப்பகுதிகளில், நெல் சாகுபடி மேற்கொள்ள முடியாத சூழ்நிலை உருவாகி விட்டது.இதை கருத்தில் கொண்டு, மத்திய அரசு, இப்பகுதிகளில் பருப்பு வகைகள், கோதுமை, எண்ணெய் வித்துக்கள் போன்ற தானியங்களை அதிகளவில், பயிரிடும் வகையில் விவசாயிகளுக்கு ஊக்கம் அளித்து வருகிறது.நாட்டின் கிழக்கு பகுதிகளில் உள்ள பல மாநிலங்களில், நெல் சாகுபடிக்கு அதிக முக்கியத்துவம் அளிக்கப்பட்டு வருகிறது.மத்திய அரசு, மண் வளத்தை மேம்படுத்தும் வகையில், பல்வேறு திட்டங்களை அமல்படுத்தி வருகிறது. நுண்ணூட்ட சத்து, உயிரி உரங்கள், இயற்கை உரங்கள், பசுந்தாள் உரங்கள் போன்றவற்றை மிக அதிகளவில் உற்பத்தி செய்யும் வகையில், திட்டங்கள் மேற்கொள்ளப்பட்டு வருகின்றன.மேலும், பழங்கள் மற்றும் காய்கறி கழிவுகள் வாயிலாக, இயற்கை உர வகைகளை உற்பத்தி செய்வதற்காக, பெரிய அளவில் தொழில் பிரிவுகளை அமைக்க நிதி உதவி அளிக்கப்பட்டு வருகிறது.இதன் வாயிலாக, எதிர்காலத்தில், இயற்கை உர வகைகள் உற்பத்தி அதிகரிக்கும் என, எதிர்பார்க்கப்படுகிறது. இதனால், மண் வளம், மேலும் மேம்படுவதுடன் இயற்கை சாகுபடியின் மூலம் அதிகளவில், வேளாண் பொருட்களை உற்பத்தி செய்ய முடியும். இவ்வாறு அவர் கூறினார்.

Ruler can do anything, so Born to rule the Galaxy

Monday 16 April 2012

தீரன் சின்னமலை(Dheeran Chinnamalai)

Dheeran Chinnamalai (Tamil: தீரன் சின்னமலை born as Theerthagiri Sarkkarai Mandraadiyaar or Theerthagiri Gounder on April 17, 1756) was a Kongu chieftain and Palayakkarar from Tamil Nadu who rose up in revolt against the British East India Company in the Kongu Nadu, Southern India. He was born in Melapalayam, near Erode in the South Indian state of Tamil Nadu. He is held with high regard by the Gounder community who continue use him as a symbol of Independence for the community.
Statue of Dheeran Chinnamalai at Chennai
He was one of the main leaders in the Polygar Wars and commanded a vast army, notably during the Second Polygar War that took place in 1801–1802. A thousand-strong army under him took French Military training in modern warfare alongside Tipu's Mysore forces to fight against the British East India company. They helped Tipu Sultan in his war against the British and were instrumental in victories at Chitheswaram, Mazahavalli and Srirangapatna.
After Tipu's death, Chinnamalai settled down at Odanilai in Kongu Nadu and constructed a fort there and defeated the British in battles at Cauvery in 1801, Odanilai in 1802 and Arachalur in 1804. Later, Chinnamalai left his fort to avoid cannon attack and engaged in guerrilla warfare while he was stationed at Karumalai in the Palani region. He was captured by the British who hanged him at Sankagiri Fort on 31 July 1805 (Adiperukku day).

Ruler can do anything, so Born to rule the Galaxy

Wednesday 11 April 2012

Tuesday 10 April 2012

Suriya (சூர்யா)

Suriya (Tamil: சூர்யா; born 23 July 1975 as Saravanan Sivakumar) is an Indian film actor, producer, philanthropist and television presenter. He has acted in several Tamil films, including the commercially successful films Nandha (2001), Kaakha Kaakha (2003), Pithamagan (2003), Perazhagan (2004), Ghajini (2005), Vel (2007) , Vaaranam Aayiram (2008), Ayan (2009), Singam (2010) and 7aum Arivu (2011). As of 2010, he has won three Tamil Nadu State Film Awards and three Filmfare Awards, establishing himself as one of the leading contemporary actors in the Tamil film industry.
He became a film distributor after opening Studio Green, which was responsible for producing and distributed a few of his own and his brother Karthi's films. He is the eldest son of actor Sivakumar and married actress Jyothika in 2006, after being engaged for several years. In 2008, he began Agaram Foundation, which funds for preventing early childhood drop-outs.As of 2012, Suriya is the host of the STAR Vijay game show Neengalum Vellalam Oru Kodi.

Early life

Suriya was born to actor Sivakumar and Lakshmi in Chennai. He is the eldest of three children, his younger brother is actor Karthi and he has a younger sister named Brindha Sivakumar. He attended Padma Seshadri Bala Bhavan School and St. Bede's Anglo Indian Higher Secondary School in Chennai and obtained his under graduate degree B.Com from Loyola College, Chennai.


Early career: 1996–2002

Suriya debuted in the 1996 film Nerrukku Ner directed by Vasanth and produced by Mani Ratnam. In 2001, he starred in Siddique's comedy film Friends.
His major break came in the form of Nandha, which was directed by Bala. Playing the role of an ex-convict who is very attached to his mother, he received a Tamil Nadu State Film Award for Best Actor.His next venture was Vikraman's Unnai Ninaithu, which was followed by Mounam Pesiyadhe directed by Ameer Sultan.

Breakthrough: 2003–07

In 2003, he starred in the Gautham Menon-directed Kaakha Kaakha, a film about the life of a police officer. He then starred in his second Bala directorial, Pithamagan, along with Vikram, portraying a happy-go-lucky village crook with a comic touch, for which he received a Filmfare Best Supporting Actor Award. Since he was shooting for these two films in 2003, he had to turn down a lead role in Autograph, which eventually was played by its director Cheran himself. In 2004 he received a Filmfare Award for Best Actor for playing two roles in Perazhagan: an aggressive boxer and a handicapped phone booth keeper became successful venture in box-office. Later that year, he starred in Mani Ratnam's political drama Aayutha Ezhuthu, which was based on George Reddy, a student leader in Hyderabad during the late 60s and early 80s.
In 2005, he appeared in Ghajini and then in Aaru. He played the role of a patient suffering from short-term memory loss in the former. Due to his commitment to Ghajini, he was said to have missed a role in the Bollywood film Rang De Basanti.  In 2006, he acted with Jyothika and Bhoomika in N. Krishna's film Sillunu Oru Kaadhal. In 2007, his only release was Vel, which released for Diwali.

Vaaranam Aayiram and Bollywood: 2008–2011

His next release was a collaboration with Gautham Menon, after the success of Kaakha Kaakha, Suriya began work on Menon's biopic Vaaranam Aayiram in November 2008. Playing dual roles for the third time in his career, Suriya appeared as father and son, with both characters also demanding scenes shot throughout their lives ranging from scenes as a 16-year-old to scenes as a 65-year-old. During the production of the film, Suriya described the project as "unique" and "straight from the heart", describing the physical hardships he endured during the making. He lost weight and prepared a six pack for the film through an eight-month fitness regime without steroids, with the move being a trend-setter for other leading actors from South India.[13][14] The film, which also featured Simran, Sameera Reddy and Divya Spandana in prominent roles, became commercially successful at the box office upon release as well as receiving positive reviews from film critics, with Suriya's performance being lauded. A critic from Rediff labelled the film as his "magnum opus", citing that he is "perfect" and that the film for him is a "justified triumph". Similarly, critics cited Suriya's performance as "outstanding" and claimed that the film "works because of his performance", whilst other reviewers claimed the film was an "out and out Suriya show". His portrayals also fetched him several notable awards, including the Filmfare Award for Best Actor, a Tamil Nadu State Film Award for Best Actor by the jury and also the Vijay Award for Best Actor for 2008.The film also went on to receive a National Film Award for Best Feature Film in Tamil for 2008.
Suriya with the Bollywood Director Ram Gopal Varma at Rakta Charitra sets
In 2009, Suriya's first release was K. V. Anand's action-thriller Ayan, which went on to become the highest grossing Tamil film of the year. With Suriya portraying the role of a smuggler, the film also featured Prabhu as his guardian and Tamannaah Bhatia as the lead actress. The film was shot extensively across Tanzania, Namibia, Malaysia and India and featured parkour stunts by Suriya, without the use of a stunt double. Upon release, the film won positive reviews citing that the film was a "must watch" and Suriya's performance was yet again acclaimed and he found himself nominated for leading awards and won the Vijay Award for Entertainer of the Year. The film's success saw Suriya emerge as the most profitable leading actor in Tamil films, following a hat trick of large commercial hits, with film journals suggesting that his success was due to "experiments within the commercial format" and he was successful in "avoiding being typecast".
His next release was Aadhavan directed by K. S. Ravikumar. In 2010, he had his 25th release with Singam, directed by Hari, in which he played the role of a police officer from a small village. The film went on to become the second highest grossing film of the year. He made his Bollywood debut in Ram Gopal Varma's two-part political drama Rakta Charitra in 2010, following which he appeared in cameo roles as himself in the films Manmadhan Ambu (2010) and Avan Ivan (2011). His only release in 2011 that featured him in a starring role was A. R. Murugadoss's science fiction thriller 7aum Arivu. Suriya essayed dual roles in the film, as a circus artist and as the Buddhist monk named Bodhidharma, who lived in the 5th century. The film met with mixed reception, but Suriya's performance was praised. 7aum Arivu became the actor's highest grosser, and subsequently among the top grossing films of the year.

 Entry in television: 2012–present

In January 2012, Suriya was named as the official host of the new game show to be presented on STAR Vijay, Neengalum Vellalaam Oru Kodi, the Tamil version of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?, which began airing on 27 February 2012.
His next project is Maatraan, which sees him collaborate with K. V. Anand again, after Ayan.

Brand ambassador

Suriya has been the ambassador for many famous enterprises including TVS, Aircel and Sunfeast Biscuits since 2006. He has endorsed Saravana Stores, Bharathi Cements and Navaratna products since 2010. In 2011, he had signed a new deal with Nescafé, Zandu Balm and more recently with Close-Up toothpaste brand as of May 2011.


In 2008, Suriya began the Agaram Foundation, working to help children who drop out of school early in Tamil Nadu. With the Ministry of Education in Tamil Nadu, he created a short commercial video outlining child poverty, labour and lack of education, titled Herova? Zerova? [31]. The film was written and produced by Sivakumar and also starred Joseph Vijay, R. Madhavan and Jyothika. Agaram has sponsored 159 underprevileged students in 2010 for their higher education in various disciplines. With the firm belief that the educated mind can not only eliminate social evils but also aid in the socio-economic upbringing of society, Agaram Foundation works towards providing appropriate learning opportunities to the rural populace who do not otherwise have access to quality education.
He is also an active participant in other philanthropic works such as "Save The Tigers" campaign, which aids in the protection and preservation of Tigers in India, and "REACH", a non-profit that cures TB patients for free using supervised medication programs.

Personal life

After several years of being engaged, Suriya married actress Jyothika on 11 September 2006, with whom he was paired in seven films; Poovellam Kettuppar, Uyirile Kalanthathu, Kaakha Kaakha, Perazhagan, Maayavi, June R and Sillunu Oru Kaadhal. The couple have two children, daughter Diya (born in August 2007 ) and son Dev (born in June 2010).


Year Film Role Language Notes
1997 Nerrukku Ner Suriya Tamil
1998 Kaadhale Nimmadhi Chandru Tamil
1998 Sandhippoma Vishnu Tamil
1999 Periyanna Suriya Tamil
1999 Poovellam Kettuppar Krishna Tamil
2000 Uyirile Kalanthathu Suriya Tamil
2001 Friends Chandru Tamil
2001 Nandha Nandha Tamil Tamil Nadu State Film Award for Best Actor
2002 Unnai Ninaithu Suriya Tamil
2002 Shree Shree Tamil
2002 Mounam Pesiyadhe Gautham Tamil
2003 Kaakha Kaakha Anbuselvan Tamil ITFA Best Actor Award
Nominated—Filmfare Award for Best Actor – Tamil
2003 Pithamagan Sakthi Tamil Filmfare Award for Best Supporting Actor – Tamil
2004 Perazhagan Karthik,
Tamil Filmfare Award for Best Actor – Tamil
2004 Aayutha Ezhuthu Michael Vasanth Tamil
2005 Maayavi Balayya Tamil
2005 Ghajini Sanjay Ramasamy (Manohar) Tamil Tamil Nadu State Film Special Award for Best Actor
2005 Aaru Aarumugam (Aaru) Tamil
2006 June R Raja Tamil Guest appearance
2006 Sillunu Oru Kaadhal Gautham Tamil
2007 Vel Vetrivel,
2008 Kuselan Himself Tamil Special appearance
2008 Vaaranam Aayiram Krishnan,
Suriya Krishnan
Tamil Filmfare Award for Best Actor – Tamil
Tamil Nadu State Film Special Award for Best Actor
Vijay Award for Best Actor
South Scope Award for Stylish Youth Icon of the Year
2009 Ayan Devaraj Velusamy Tamil Vijay Award for Entertainer of the Year (also for Aadhavan)
Nominated—Filmfare Award for Best Actor – Tamil
2009 Aadhavan Madhavan Subramaniyam
Tamil Vijay Award for Entertainer of the Year(also for Ayan)
2010 Singam Durai Singam Tamil Vijay Award for Entertainer of the Year
Nominated—Filmfare Award for Best Actor – Tamil
2010 Rakta Charitra Suriyanarayana Reddy Hindi Nominated—Star Screen Award for Most Promising Newcomer – Male
Nominated—Stardust Award for Superstar of Tomorrow – Male
Nominated—Vijay Award for Best Actor
2010 Manmadhan Ambu Himself Tamil Guest appearance
2011 Ko Himself Tamil Special appearance
2011 Avan Ivan Himself Tamil Guest appearance
2011 7aum Arivu Bodhidharma,
2012 Maatraan
Tamil Filming

Ruler can do anything, so Born to rule the Galaxy

Friday 6 April 2012

தியாகி தீரன் சின்னமலை தூக்கிலிடப்பட்ட இடமான சங்ககிரியில், தமிழக அரசு சார்பில், நினைவுச் சின்னம் அமைக்கப்பட உள்ளது.

தியாகி தீரன் சின்னமலை தூக்கிலிடப்பட்ட இடமான சங்ககிரியில், தமிழக அரசு சார்பில், நினைவுச் சின்னம் அமைக்கப்பட உள்ளது.

"ஆங்கிலேயரை எதிர்த்துப் போரிட்ட தியாகி தீரன் சின்னமலைக்கு, சங்ககிரியில் விரைவில் நினைவுச் சின்னம் அமைக்கப்படும்' என்று, முதல்வர் ஜெயலலிதா நேற்று சட்டசபையில் அறிவித்தார்.

தீரன் சின்னமலை வரலாறு: தீரன் சின்னமலை, 1756ம் ஆண்டு ஏப்ரல் 17ம் தேதி, ஈரோடு அருகே மேலப்பாளையம் என்ற ஊரில் பிறந்தவர். கொங்கு மண்டலத்தில் ஆட்சி செய்தவர். அவரது, 1,000 பேர் கொண்ட படை வலிமை மிக்கதாகக் கருதப்பட்டது. அவரது படை, பிரான்ஸ் ராணுவத்திடம் போர்ப் பயிற்சி பெற்றது. வெள்ளையர்களுடன், 1801, 1802, 1804 ஆகிய ஆண்டுகளில், கிழக்கிந்திய கம்பெனியுடன் நடந்த சண்டையில், திப்பு சுல்தானின் படை வெற்றிபெற தீரன் சின்னமலையும், அவரது படை வீரர்களும் துணை நின்றனர். திப்பு சுல்தான் மறைவுக்குப் பின், ஈரோடு அருகே ஓடாநிலை என்ற இடத்தில் கோட்டை அமைத்து, வெள்ளையர்களுக்கு சவாலாக விளங்கினார். பின், வெள்ளையர்களின் பீரங்கி தாக்குதலில் இருந்து தப்ப, பழனி அருகிலுள்ள கருமலையில் தங்கி, கொரில்லா தாக்குதலில் ஈடுபட்டவர். தீரன் சின்னமலையை போரின் மூலம் வெல்ல முடியாததால், வெள்ளையர்கள் சூழ்ச்சி மூலம் அவரைக் கைது செய்து, சங்ககிரி கோட்டையில் வைத்து, 1805ம் ஆண்டு ஜூலை 31ம் தேதி ஆடிப்பெருக்கு தினத்தன்று தூக்கிலிட்டனர். வெள்ளையனை எதிர்த்துப் போரிட்டு உயிர் நீத்த தீரன் சின்னமலையை, கவுண்டர் சமுதாயத்தினர் தியாகியாகவும், போர் வீரனாகவும் கொண்டாடி வருகின்றனர்.

நினைவுச் சின்னங்கள்
* சென்னையில் தீரன் சின்னமலைக்கு சிலை அமைக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது.
* கடந்த 95ம் ஆண்டு, காங்கேயத்தில் நினைவு விழா நடத்தப்பட்டு, அவரது வாரிசுகள் கவுரவிக்கப்பட்டனர்.
* தீரன் சின்னமலை நினைவு தினமான ஆடி 18ம் நாளை, அரசு விழாவாக அனுசரிக்க, 2003ம் ஆண்டு உத்தரவிடப்பட்டது.
* ஈரோடு மாவட்டம், அரச்சலூர் கிராமம், ஓடாநிலையில், 30 லட்ச ரூபாய் செலவில் மணிமண்டபம் கட்டப்பட்டு, 2006ம் ஆண்டு திறந்து வைக்கப்பட்டது.
Ruler can do anything, so Born to rule the Galaxy

ஞாபக சக்தியை அதிகரிக்கும் உணவுப்பொருட்கள்!

அச்சச்சோ! மறந்து போச்சே... இன்று நாம் அதிகமாகப் பயன்படுத்தும் வாக்கியம் அநேகமாக இதுவாகத்தான் இருக்கும். இதற்குக் காரணம் நினைவாற்றல் இல்லாதது தான். நினைவாற்றல் அதிகரிக்க பாஸ்பரஸ் மற்றும் குளுட்டாமிக் அமிலம் உள்ள உணவுப் பொருட்களைத் தொடர்ந்து சாப்பிட வேண்டும்.

* வாரம் ஒருமுறை வல்லாரைக் கீரையை உணவில் சேர்த்து வருவது நல்லது. இதுவும் ஞாபக சக்தியை அதிகரிக்கும். இக்கீரையை வெயிலில் காயவைத்துப் பொடியாக்கிக்கொண்டு, தினமும் அரை தேக்கரண்டியைப் பாலுடன் சேர்த்து அருந்தி வந்தால் பிள்ளைகள் மற்றும் பெரியவர்கள் நல்ல நினைவாற்றலுடன் சுறுசுறுப்பாகத் திகழ்வார்கள். கீரை கிடைக்காதவர்கள் வல்லாரை கேப்ஸ்யூல்களைப் பயன்படுத்தலாம்.

* பள்ளிப் பிள்ளைகளும், நிர்வாகிகளும் நினைவாற்றலை அதிகரித்துக்கொள்ளவும் நரம்புகளைப் பலப்படுத்திக்கொள்ளவும் தினமும் இரவில் பன்னிரண்டு பாதாம் பருப்புகளைத் தண்ணீ­ரில் ஊறபோட்டு காலையில் அதை அரைத்து சாப்பிட வேண்டும்.

அரைக்கும் முன் பாதாம் பருப்பின் மேல் தோலை நீக்கிவிட வேண்டும். 100 கிராம் பாதாம் பருப்பில் 490 மில்லி கிராம் பாஸ்பரஸ், தாது உப்பு இருக்கிறது. குளுட்டாமிக் அமிலமும் அதில் இருக்கிறது.

* அதேபோல இருபது கிராம் அக்ரூட் பருப்புகளுடன் பத்து கிராம் உலர்ந்த திராட்சைப் பழத்தை தினமும் ஒருவேளை சாப்பிட்டு வந்தாலும் பலமில்லாத மூளை வலுப்பெற்று நினைவாற்றல் அதிகரிக்கும். செலவில்லாமல் சாப்பிட 50 கிராம் வேர்க்கடலை போதும்.

* ஞாபக சக்தியை அதிகரிக்கும் முதல் பழம் ஆப்பிள். இரண்டாவதாக பேரீச்சை, திராட்சை, மாதுளை, ஆரஞ்சு முதலியன.

* சமையலில் சீரகம், மிளகு ஆகியவை கண்டிப்பாக இடம்பெறவேண்டும். இவை மூளையில் சோர்வு ஏற்படாமல் பார்த்துக் கொள்கின்றன.

* கோதுமை, சோளம், பார்லி, காராமணி, பாசிப்பருப்பு, கேரட், தண்டுக்கீரை, பீட்ரூட், முருங்கைக்காய், சோயாபீன்ஸ், வெங்காயம், வெள்ளைப்பூண்டு, புதினா முதலியவற்றில் பாஸ்பரஸ் உப்பு அதிக அளவில் உள்ளது. இவை தவிர பால், தயிர் போன்றவற்றையும் உணவில் சேர்க்க வேண்டும்.

மனிதர்களுக்கு நினைவாற்றல் குறைந்து வருவதற்கு மிக முக்கியமான காரணம், கவலைகள்தான். இரத்த ஓட்டக் குறைவும் நோயால் நேரடியாகவோ மறைமுகமாகவோ மூளைக்குச் சரியானபடி இரத்தம் கிடைக்காததும் காரணங்களாகும். மூளை சோர்ந்துவிடாமல் பார்த்துக் கொண்டால் நினைவாற்றல் நன்றாக இருக்கும்.
Ruler can do anything, so Born to rule the Galaxy

இரத்த அழுத்தத்தை குணமாக்கும் சீரகம்

 ஆரம்பநிலை இரத்த அழுத்த நோய் குணமாகும் திராட்சைப் பழச்சாறுடன், சிறிது சீரகத்தைப் பொடித்து பருகவேண்டும். மத்தியதர இரத்த அழுத்த நோய் இருப்பவர்களுக்கு, திராட்சைப் பழச்சாறுடன், சிறிது சீரகத்தைப் பொடித்து சாப்பிட்டு வர இரத்த அழுத்தம் அதிகரிக்காது. சிறிது சீரகம், நல்லமிளகு பொடித்து எண்ணெயிலிட்டுக் காய்ச்சி, அந்த எண்ணெயத் தலையில் தேய்த்துக் குளித்தால், கண் எரிச்சல், கண்ணிலிருந்து நீர் வடிதல் நீங்கும்.

அகத்திக்கீரையுடன், சீரகம், சின்னவெங்காயம் சேர்த்து கஷாயம் செய்து அத்துடன் கருப்பட்டி பொடித்திட்டு சாப்பிட்டால், மன அழுத்தம் மாறும். ஆரம்ப நிலை மனநோய் குணமாகும். சீரகம், சுக்கு, மிளகு, தனியா, சித்தரத்தை இவ்வைந்தையும் சேர்த்துத் தூளாக்கி வைத்துக் கொள்ளவும். இதில் இரண்டு சிட்டிகை வீதம், தினம் இரண்டுவேளையாக சாப்பிட்டால், உடல் அசதி நீங்கி, புத்துணர்ச்சி ஏற்படும்.

சீரகத்தை லேசாக வறுத்து, அத்துடன் கருப்பட்டி சேர்த்துச் சாப்பிட்டு வர, நரம்புகள் வலுப்பெறும். நரம்புத் தளர்ச்சி குணமாகும். சிறிது சீரகத்துடன், இரண்டு வெற்றிலை, நான்கு நல்ல மிளகு சேர்த்து மென்று தின்று, ஒரு டம்ளர் குளிர்ந்த நீர் பருகினால், வயிற்றுப் பொருமல் வற்றி, நலம் பயக்கும். சீரகத்துடன், மூன்று பற்கள் பூண்டு வைத்து மைய்ய அரைத்து, எலுமிச்சை சாறில் கலந்து குடித்தால், குடல் கோளாறுகள் குணமாகும்.

ஓமத்துடன் சிறிது சீரகம் இட்டு கஷாயம் செய்து, சாப்பிட்டால், அதிக பேதி போக்கு நிற்கும். பெண்களுக்கு ஏற்படும் வெள்ளைப் படுதல் நோய்க்கு, சிறிது சீரகத்துடன் சின்ன வெங்காயம் வைத்து மைய்ய அரைத்து, பசும்பாலில் கலந்து குடித்து வர, நல்ல பலன் கிடக்கும். சிறிது சீரகத்துடன், கீழாநெல்லி வைத்து அரைத்து, எலுமிச்சை சாறில் சேர்ததுப் பருகி வர, கல்லீரல் கோளாறு குணமாகும்.

திராட்சைப் பழச்சாறுடன், சிறிது சீரகத்தைப் பொடித்திட்டு, பருகினால், ஆரம்பநிலை இரத்த அழுத்த நோய் குணமாகும். மத்தியதர இரத்த அழுத்த நோய் இருப்பவர்களுக்கு, மேலும் இரத்த அழுத்தம் அதிகரிக்காது தடுக்கும். சிறிது சீரகம், நல்லமிளகு பொடித்து எண்ணெயிலிட்டுக் காய்ச்சி, அந்த எண்ணெயத் தலையில் தேய்த்துக் குளித்தால், கண் எரிச்சல், கண்ணிலிருந்து நீர் வடிதல் நீங்கும்.

அகத்திக்கீரையுடன், சீரகம், சின்னவெங்காயம் சேர்த்து கஷாயம் செய்து அத்துடன் கருப்பட்டி பொடித்திட்டு சாப்பிட்டால், மன அழுத்தம் மாறும். ஆரம்ப நிலை மனநோய் குணமாகும். சீரகம், சுக்கு, மிளகு, தனியா, சித்தரத்தை இவ்வைந்தையும் சேர்த்துத் தூளாக்கி வைத்துக் கொள்ளவும். இதில் இரண்டு சிட்டிகை வீதம், தினம் இரண்டுவேளையாக சாப்பிட்டால், உடல் அசதி நீங்கி, புத்துணர்ச்சி ஏற்படும்.

Ruler can do anything, so Born to rule the Galaxy

வசப்படுத்தும் வசம்பு!

 ஈரப்பசை உள்ள நிலப்பரப்புகளில் வளரக்கூடிய ஒருவிதப் பூண்டு வகையைச் சேர்ந்த மூலிகைத் தாவரமே வசம்பு. உக்கிரம், வசம், வசை, வேணி, சுடுவான், உரைப்பான், பேர் சொல்லா மருந்து, பிள்ளை மருந்து, பிள்ளை வளர்த்தி ஆகிய மாற்றுப் பெயர்களும் இதற்கு உண்டு!

சுத்தம் செய்து நன்கு வெயிலில் உலர்த்தி, காய்ந்த நிலையில் இருக்கும் வசம்பு வேர்கள் நல்ல மணம் வீசும். வாசத்துக்கு மட்டும் அல்ல... உடலை வசமாக்கும் மருத்துவக் குணங்களுக்கும் வசம்பில் வரம்பு இல்லை.
குழந்தைகளின் வயிற்று வலி நீங்க...

வசம்பை விளக்குத் தீயில் சுட்டுக் கரியாக்க வேண்டும். கரியானத் தூளைச் சிறிது அளவு (100 மி.கி.) எடுத்துக்கொண்டு அதனுடன் ஒரு பாலாடை அளவு தாய்ப்பால் சேர்த்துக் கலக்கி குழந்தைகளுக்குக் கொடுத்தால் வயிற்று வலி மற்றும் வயிற்றுப்போக்கு போன்றவை குணமாகும்.
திக்குவாய் அகல...
குழந்தைகளுக்கு ஏற்படும் நாக்குத் தடுமாற்றம் (திக்குவாய்), வாயில் நீர் ஒழுகுதல் போன்ற பிரச்னைகள் குணமாக வேண்டும் எனில், விளக்குத் தீயில் சுட்ட வசம்பைத் தாய்ப்பால் விட்டு அரைத்து அந்தப் பசையை சிறிதளவு நாக்கில் தடவிவர வேண்டும்.
வாந்தி உணர்வைக் கட்டுப்படுத்த...

வசம்பைச் சுட்டு சாம்பலாக்கி வைத்துக்கொள்ள வேண்டும். சுட்ட வசம்புச் சாம்பலை சிறிதளவு எடுத்து தேனில் குழைத்து நாக்கில் தடவினால் வாந்தி உணர்வு நன்கு கட்டுப்படும்.

Ruler can do anything, so Born to rule the Galaxy

துப்பாக்கிச் சூடுகளில் இன்று வரை 46 விவசாயிகளை பலி கொடுத்து பெற்ற உரிமை.., இலவச மின்சாரத்துக்கான ரத்த வரலாறு!

  1969 லிருந்து 1976 வரை மு.கருணநிதி முதல்வராக இருந்த தி.மு.க அரசு மின் கட்டணத்தை யூனிட் ஒன்றுக்கு 8 பைசாவிலிருந்து 10 பைசாவாக ...